Children’s Mental Health

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  • For: children and young people in the UK
  • Available: free, 24 hours a day
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Resources - Mental health in Football

Wellbeing - feelings and emotions

Learning outcomes

Children will be able to:

  • recognise and name their own and others’ feelings
  • identify how and why these feelings might change
  • describe ways to take care of their own and others’ emotional wellbeing
  • think about what we can do to help us manage different feelings 

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Learning outcomes
  • identify examples of personal achievements, strengths and skills
  • express pride in their personal attributes
  • explain how this links to self-esteem
  • identify skills and attributes which they would like to improve or develop further
  • set targets for improvement and development and identify ways they might achieve these

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Resilience & helpful thinking

Learning outcomes
  • identify examples of how and when footballers show resilience
  • understand how to change unhelpful thinking into helpful thinking
  • explain how reframing and thinking in a more positive way can help someone bounce back from a setback or difficult situation

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Kicking around kindness

Learning outcomes
  • learn about what bullying is
  • recognise the impact that their words can have on others
  • learn about the importance of being kind

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Healthy body healthy mind

Learning outcomes
  • what keeping healthy means; physically and mentally
  • become more connected with our feelings and emotions
  • how physical activity can help keep my body healthy
  • explain how physical activity can help me feel better

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Teamwork & inspiring others

Learning outcomes
  • identify different examples of teams and teamwork
  • explain the benefits of working as a team
  • identify what helps teams work well together.

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